Monday, October 25, 2010

Week 8 (Oct 25-29th)

HFA4M- this week we are learning about Micro nutrients. We will be completing a Micro Nutrient research project and looking more closely at the vitamins and minerals that keep us healthy.

HFN2O- we will be working on our 'Diet, Lifestyle and Health Issues Inquiry Assignment'. Students will be working in a group and focusing on collecting research to prevent illnesses through proper diet. --See the HFN2O blog for further details.

Plus lots of Halloween treats for cooking students this week!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 7 (Oct 18th-22nd)

PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS--> are on Wed Oct. 20th from 6:30-8:30  Hope to see you!

HFN2O- This week we are focusing on reading and interpreting food labels. After today's lesson students will build their knowledge by comparing nutritional information from cereal box labels and move on to answer textbook questions to demonstrate their understanding of the material (see the assignment posted on the HFN2O blog). The final question asks the students to use some creativity to design a food label for a product they choose to work with. Students will be evaluated based on their communication and application of material presented in class lessons and what they have learned throughout this assignment. They were shown exemplars and will be provided with class time this week to finish a high quality assignment.
This assignment is Due: Mon Oct 25th and if students cannot complete their assignment during the class time provided...expect Homework over the weekend!

HFA4M-We are finishing up Protein and leading into vegetarian diets, focusing on the science of fruits and vegetables. How do vegetarians incorporate enough protein into their diet without eating meat? This is a common concern that is going to be investigated before we move on to look at specific vitamins and minerals that are essential in our diets. This week in the lab we are going to be cooking with eggs after looking at their relationship with protein and we are also going to be conducting an 'enzymatic browning experiment' in the kitchens. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week 6 (Oct 12-15th)

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend.
This week in our HFA4M course lessons will focus on the nutrient fat, next week moving on to our last macro nutrient protein.
HFN2O students' Nutrient poster is due Tues Oct 12th. Our lessons in the grade 10 food and nutrition course will focus on Canada's Food Guide, students' nutritional needs and how to determine if meals meet these needs.

Just to let everyone know: Progress Reports are being sent home on Fri Oct 15th and parent teacher interviews are next week!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 5 (Oct 4-8th)

Are you ready for the second month of school?

HFA4M-So last week we started Unit 2, beginning with macro nutrients. First we started with Carbohydrates...Starches, sugar, fibre which include an Alfredo sauce lab, candy demonstration today and a cobbler/pie lab for fibre & fat later this week. There will be a Carbohydrate quiz on Wed Oct 6th and we will start with our second macro nutrient Fat!

HFN2O-We also started Unit 2 last week and began investigating nutrition by looking at the 6 main nutrients our bodies need. This week we are looking more closely at specific nutrients by working independently on nutrient posters (the assignment will be posted on the HFN2O blog spot on tues oct 5th). Students will also be introduced to Canada's food guide along with learning how to make cinnamon buns-in perfect time for Thanksgiving! Just to let everyone reading this blog know, their student in the grade 10 HFN2O can now make muffins, biscuits, loaves and now cinnamon buns--something to be thankful for!!